NOIRLab Education
Astronomy Careers
Promoting observatory STEM career opportunities, diversity, and inclusion at NOIRLab facilities is a core element of NOIRLab’s educational programming ...
Colors of Nature
Artists and scientists often share a common goal, making the invisible visible. Yet artistically talented students, especially girls, often shy ...
Community Outreach
The NOIRLab facilities in Chile, Tucson, and Hawai‘i engage in myriad community events ranging from public star parties to science ...
Gemini Card Game
The Gemini Card Game is a cooperative game for 2 to 4 players who work together to complete science programs ...
Globe at Night
Globe at Night is an online international citizen science program to raise awareness of the issues of light pollution by inviting ...
Journey through the Universe
Journey Through the Universe is the longest-running (17 years and counting!) local outreach program in the Gemini North host communities on ...
Live from NOIRLab
This monthly online program shares the science and technology of NOIRLab with a global audience and features staff, users, and ...
Project ASTRO
Project ASTRO is implemented in partnership with the Astronomical Society of the Pacific and focuses on connecting scientists with teachers ...
Rubin Education
Vera C. Rubin Observatory brings the power of real data and interactive learning to educators and students around the world ...
Star Educators
Star Educators is NOIRLab’s teacher training program, and encompasses the many workshops and training opportunities we participate in at all ...
Teaching With Telescopes
Teaching with Telescopes is designed to help teachers bring small telescopes into the classroom with a focus on the Galileoscope, ...
Teen Astronomy Café
The Teen Astronomy Café program is a free out-of-school program that offers high school students opportunities to interact with scientists who work ...
Tohono O’odham Engagement
With the support of Kitt Peak National Observatory, NOIRLab (formerly NOAO) has been working with the Tohono O'odham Nation on ...
Under Dark Skies
Several of our educational activities across all locations in Arizona, Chile and Hawai‘i focus on observations of the night sky ...
Viaje al Universo
Viaje al Universo is an annual week-long program for schools, families and the public in the NOIRLab host communities of La ...
National Solar Observatory Education
Free Downloadable Education and Outreach Materials
Educational materials (e.g. brochures, posters, booklets, etc.) that can be downloaded for distribution to students ...
Journey to the Sun with NSO
The “Journey to the Sun” (JTTS) Educator Program focuses on supporting middle and high school educators in teaching science standards ...
NSO’s Google Classrooms
Hub for K-12 STEM Online Resources / CLASS CODE: acmluyv National Solar Observatory’s “Astronomy STEM” classroom! This class is a ...
Solar Eclipse Lesson Plans and Activities
Lesson plans and activity guides for learning about solar eclipses. ...
Space Telescope Science Institute Education
Universe Of Learning Education
NASA's team has released distinctive and inspiring informal learning activities appropriate for diverse audiences. Examples include taking and developing telescope ...