A black star field filled with stars and galaxies

NOIRLab: Record-Breaking Gamma-Ray Burst Possibly Most Powerful Explosion Ever Recorded

In the early-morning hours of 14 October 2022, astronomers using the Gemini South telescope in Chile operated by NSF’s NOIRLab ...
NOIRLab: Sharpest Image Ever of Universe’s Most Massive Known Star

NOIRLab: Sharpest Image Ever of Universe’s Most Massive Known Star

By harnessing the capabilities of the 8.1-meter Gemini South telescope in Chile, which is part of the International Gemini Observatory ...
This 180-megapixel panorama shows the various Maunakea observatories including Gemini North, part of the International Gemini Observatory, a program of NSF's NOIRLab.

AURA and NSF’s NOIRLab Acknowledge Hawai‘i House Bill 2024

The International Gemini Observatory, a program of the National Science Foundation's (NSF’s) NOIRLab, which operates the Gemini North telescope on Maunakea, and its management ...
NOIRLab: Gemini North Telescope Helps Explain Why Uranus and Neptune Are Different Colors

NOIRLab: Gemini North Telescope Helps Explain Why Uranus and Neptune Are Different Colors

Astronomers may now understand why the similar planets Uranus and Neptune are different colors. Using observations from the Gemini North ...
Young stellar jets

NOIRLab: Sidewinding Young Stellar Jets Spied by Gemini South

Sinuous stellar jets meander lazily across a field of stars in new images captured from Chile by the international Gemini ...
STScI: Capturing All That Glitters in Galaxies with NASA’s Webb

STScI: Capturing All That Glitters in Galaxies with NASA’s Webb

An international research team will survey the stars, star clusters, and dust that lie within 19 nearby galaxies ...
NOIRLab: Precise Insights into the Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky Way’s Heart

NOIRLab: Precise Insights into the Supermassive Black Hole in the Milky Way’s Heart

Astronomers have made the most precise measurements yet of the motions of stars around the supermassive black hole at the ...
NOIRLab: Astronomers Uncover Briefest Supernova-Powered Gamma-Ray Burst

NOIRLab: Astronomers Uncover Briefest Supernova-Powered Gamma-Ray Burst

Astronomers have discovered the shortest-ever gamma-ray burst (GRB) caused by the implosion of a massive star. Using the international Gemini ...
NOIRLab: Black Hole Pairs Found in Distant Merging Galaxies

NOIRLab: Black Hole Pairs Found in Distant Merging Galaxies

Astronomers have found two close pairs of quasars in the distant Universe. Follow-up observations with Gemini North spectroscopically resolved one ...
NOIRLab: MAROON-X Embarks on its Exoplanet Quest

NOIRLab: MAROON-X Embarks on its Exoplanet Quest

Astronomers using the recently installed instrument MAROON-X on Gemini North have determined the mass of a transiting exoplanet orbiting the ...
NOIRLab: CK Vulpeculae seen with Gemini North

NOIRLab: CK Vulpeculae seen with Gemini North

An international team of astronomers using Gemini North’s GNIRS instrument have discovered that CK Vulpeculae, first seen as a bright ...
NOIRLab: Maunakea Telescopes Confirm First Brown Dwarf Discovered by Radio Observations

NOIRLab: Maunakea Telescopes Confirm First Brown Dwarf Discovered by Radio Observations

A collaboration between the LOw Frequency ARray (LOFAR) radio telescope in Europe, the Gemini North telescope, and the NASA InfraRed ...