Mónica Rubio
Universidad de Chile Dr. Mónica Rubio obtained her Ph.D. degree in Astrophysics and Spatial Techniques at the Universitè de Paris, ...
Megan Donahue
Michigan State University Donahue grew up on a farm near Inland, Nebraska, a town of about sixty people. Her undergraduate ...
Elizabeth Barton
Infiniscape Incorporated Betsy Barton began her career as an academic astrophysicist, studying the evolution of galaxies, as a Hubble Fellow ...
Jerome Oglesby
Ahead, Inc Jerome Oglesby is a seasoned leader with over 35 years of experience in information technology, digital transformation, IT ...
Willie Rockward
STIC Chair Morgan State University Dr. Rockward has a unique combination of leadership from academic, professional, and community experiences. Currently, ...
Matt Mountain
AURA President (ex officio) Matt Mountain, President of AURA since 2015, is the Telescope Scientist for the James Webb Space ...
Brenna Flaugher
AMCR Chair Fermilab Dr. Brenna Flaugher is a Distinguished Scientist Emeritus at Fermilab, retired in May 2024. She started her ...
Andrew Baker
AURA Board Vice-Chair Rutgers University Andrew Baker is a distinguished professor at Rutgers University and an extraordinary professor at the ...
James McAteer
New Mexico State University James McAteer PhD is Deputy Provost and Professor of Astronomy at New Mexico State University. His ...
David Reitze
LIGO Laboratory California Institute of Technology David Reitze is the Executive Director of the Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory (LIGO) Laboratory ...
Kelle Cruz
NMOC Chair Hunter College, City University of New York Professor Kelle Cruz is an astronomer who earned her B.A. and ...