Headshot of smiling woman with glasses

Karen Bjorkman

AURA Board Chair University of Toledo Karen Bjorkman received a B.S. in Physics from Univ. North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and ...
Headshot of a man with glasses and a tie

Roger Davies

University of Oxford Roger Davies started his research in Cambridge and spent 6 years at NOAO in Tucson, Arizona. He ...
Headshot of a man wearing glasses.

Leopoldo Infante

Carnegie Science and the Pontifical Catholic University of Chile Leopoldo Infante is a staff scientist at Carnegie Science and a ...
Headshot of a woman with glasses

Emily CoBabe-Ammann

SOC Chair University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Emily CoBabe-Ammann is the Senior Advisor and Assistant Vice Chancellor for Research and ...
Head shot of smiling man on dark background

Dan Jaffe

University of Texas Daniel Jaffe is the Vice President for Research and Jane and Roland Blumberg Professor in the Department ...